Privacy Policy

The Convention

This Agreement and all its annexes (hereinafter the "User Agreement") regulates the use of the services provided by . Each time a person accesses the Portal or uses the services provided by, which are detailed below, he acquires the status of user (hereinafter the "User"). The User, when accessing or when using the services provided through the Portal, accepts in a tacit and unconditional way to be subject to the terms and conditions contained in this User Agreement, so it adheres to the content and scope thereof in the version of the User Agreement published online by from time to time at the same time as the User accesses Therefore, the User is advised that each time they use the services of Hindikey carefully read the User Agreement and its respective annexes since it can be updated and / or modified by at any time without direct personal notification to the User.

In relation to the foregoing, the User may at any time examine the updated version of the User Agreement only by clicking on the text of the User Agreement located at the bottom of the access page.

Additionally, access to and / or use, as the case may be, of the contents and services offered to Users in and / or through Hindikey are subject to certain specific conditions that, as the case may be, substitute, complement or modify the User Agreement ("Specific Agreements"). Therefore, prior to the access and use of said services and contents, the User must review the corresponding Specific Agreements that from time to time are made known to the Users through the Portal. The access and / or use, as the case may be, of said services and contents express the tacit,

  1. Description of the Service. provides Users, directly or indirectly, access and / or use, as the case may be, of a series of resources, services and online content through the system or global information network known as "Internet", including, but not limited to: news, editorials, newspaper columns, finance, sports, shows, music, advice, interviews, research, email (e-mail), availability of use of virtual chat rooms, discussion forums, videos and electronic purchasing services through the intermediation services of the Portal (hereinafter the "Services"). reserves the right to modify, add or eliminate unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice, the Services, the presentation and configuration of and any of the Services, as well as the conditions required to access and / or use any of the Services. In the same way, the acquisition, purchase, sale or obtaining of any article through any of the Services is under the sole and exclusive risk of the Users and only acts as an intermediary between the provider of the specific good and the User.

  1. Access to and use of the Services.

3.1 Free nature

The provision of the Services provided to Users by is free of charge, except for certain Services that can only be used by subscription or registration of the User and / or payment of a price and which will identify for the use of the User of time to time only provides its Users with the capacity to use the Services, so the User is responsible for having the necessary equipment to establish the connection and access to the Internet (World Wide Web or www) through any telephone or other connection through technology known or to be known. The User will be responsible at all times for the costs associated with such access.

3.2 Correct use of

The User agrees to use and access and make use of the Services in accordance with the laws, morals, good customs and public order applicable in the country in which it is located when accessing the Services, for which it is obliged to abstain from using and the Services or to perform acts with illicit purposes or effects, damaging the rights and interests of third parties, contrary to the User Agreement or for seditious or clandestine purposes or that in any way may damage, disable, overload or deteriorate and the Services or prevent their normal use by Users, in which case may, upon becoming aware of said use,suspend User Services immediately after has obtained such knowledge, and the User will have five days to remedy said use or express to what is right for them.

3.3 Content.

The User states that he / she knows and is aware that all the information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, videos, messages or other materials contained in the as well as the Portal itself and its page layout "lay -out "(hereinafter the" Content "), whether published for the general public or transmitted privately, is the exclusive property of the owner of such Content and the sole responsibility of the person who originated the Content and not of, except when expressly stated otherwise. Therefore, is not responsible for the Content and its publication, nor does it represent the opinion of in any way. The User or the person who generates the Content, will be solely responsible for it, whether it has been introduced, published,

By virtue of the fact that does not control the Content that is transmitted, stored or published through the Services, it does not guarantee the accuracy, veracity, suitability, timeliness, integrity, usefulness or quality of the same. The User, when using the Service, may be exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent or unacceptable to himself or illegal under the applicable laws in the country of residence of the User or in the country in which the User is located when accessing the Services, so that, under no circumstances, will be liable to the User or to third parties for the Content, including, but not limited to errors of any kind or omissions in any Content, or losses, damages, penalties and / or or fines of any kind incurred as a result of any posted Content,

3.4 Correct use of the Services.

In cases where the User makes use of those Services that, by their nature, allow Users to enter Content in  and make them accessible to other Users, such as, among others, email services, chat services virtual, virtual forums, etc. (hereinafter, "Open Forums") is obliged to use them in accordance with applicable laws, morals, good customs, public order and the User Agreement. Incidentally, but not limiting, the User agrees and agrees not to use the Services to:

(a) enter, publish, send by email or otherwise transmit any Content that goes against applicable laws, morals, good customs, harm, threaten, abuse, attack, defame, slander, violate the privacy of third parties, generate racial and / or ethnic and / or religious hatred or that any other way is contrary to what is established in this User Agreement, in which case may, upon becoming aware of such use, suspend User Services immediately after has obtained such knowledge, and the User will have five days to remedy said use or to express to what is right for them;
(b) impersonate another person or entity, introduce false, altered or distorted data causing error, confusion, misunderstanding or deception;
(c) forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers to conceal the origin of any Content transmitted through the Services;
(d) enter, publish, send emails or otherwise transmit any Content that you do not have the right to transmit under any law or under any contractual or fiduciary relationship (such as privileged information, proprietary or confidential information known or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or under confidentiality agreements);
(e) enter, publish, copy, profit from and / or send emails or otherwise transmit any Content that infringes any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, reproduction right or any other right of industrial property and / or intellectual of any third party and / or of;
(f) entering, posting, sending emails or otherwise transmitting any advertising, promotional material, junk mail, chain letters, scam pyramids, or any other form of policing, except in those areas of that are expressly designated for that purpose (as they would be in your case, the purchasing sectors);
(g) enter, publish, send emails or in any other manner transmit any material that contains computer program viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer program for computer or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
(h) interrupt the normal flow of dialogue, cause rapid scrolling of the screen (scroll) at a rate at which other users of the Services are unable to write through the computer keyboard, or otherwise act in a way that adversely affects the ability of other users to interact in real time (real time exchanges);
(i) interfere with or disrupt the Services and / or the servers or internal networks connected to the Services;
(j) violate any applicable law in Mexico, the Federal District, the place of residence of the User, and / or the place where the User is located when accessing the Service is said municipal, provincial, local, state, federal or international law , including, but not limited to, regulations promulgated by any Stock Exchange in which specific stock exchange transactions are made and / or any other similar; as well as any regulation with force of law, either intentionally or unintentionally;
(k) stalk or otherwise harass another person;
(l) collect or store personal data about others; Y,
(m) any other activity that is contrary to good manners.
(n) Enter the Personal Services of other personnel and access your personal information, email account, etc.

Even though does not carry out reviews or pre-screen checks of the Content, both and the persons it designates for such purposes, will have the right (but not the obligation) of, at any time and without prior notice, to do so. Notification to Users, reviewing, refusing, deleting, modifying, replacing and / or moving any Content that is available through the Services and may suspend access or any service to the User for such reason. The same faculty and right will have  to remove any Content that violates the User Agreement or that otherwise means or implies an objection and / or contradiction to it. manifests and the User accepts that it is the sole responsibility of the Users to evaluate and run the risk associated with the use of any Content, including that related to the accuracy, totality or usefulness of the Content; for the foregoing, the User expressly and expressly acknowledges that the Content accessible through can not be relied upon.

The User acknowledges and agrees that can maintain and keep in its files for itself personal information, User Content and Open Forums and may also disclose it if by mandate of law and / or competent authority You are required or consider in good faith that such maintenance or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (i) comply with legal processes, whether administrative or judicial; (ii) comply with the User Agreement; (iii) respond to claims that involve any Content that undermines the rights of third parties; or (iv) protect the rights, property, or safety of, its Users, and the general public.

The User acknowledges that for the provision of the Services, the technical processing and transmission thereof, including the Content and the Open Forums, may involve (a) transmissions through various networks; and (b) changes to adapt and conform to the technical requirements to connect to networks or devices.

With respect to the use of specific Services contained in and the Open Forums, the User must abide by the provisions of this User Agreement and, if applicable, consult and adhere to the Specific Agreements of each one of them.

3.5 Correct use of the Content.

The User must refrain from obtaining and even attempting to obtain Content through  or the Services by means or procedures other than those that, according to the case, have been made available for this purpose or have been indicated for this purpose in the Web pages of the Portal in which the Contents are found, or in general those that are habitually used on the Internet for this purpose.

The User is obliged to use the Content in a diligent, correct and lawful manner, so otherwise may suspend the Services to the User immediately after has knowledge of such use, and the User will have five days to remedying said use or expressing to what is right for them.

Likewise, the User, in particular, undertakes to abstain from:
(a) using the Content in a manner, for purposes or effects contrary to the applicable laws of Mexico, the Federal District, the place of residence of the User, and / or the place from where the Services, morals, good customs and / or public order are accessed;
(b) reproduce, copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the Content, without having the prior authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights;
(c) delete, evade or manipulate the author's rights, trademarks, patents, the "copyright" and other data identifying the rights of or its owners included in the Content, as well as technical protection devices, fingerprints or any information mechanisms that the Content may contain; and
(d) use the Content and, in particular, the information of any kind obtained through  or the Services, to send advertising, communications for the purpose of direct sale or with any other kind of commercial purpose, unsolicited messages directed to a plurality of people regardless of their purpose, as well as to abstain from marketing or disclosing in any way said information.

Any Content that is downloaded ("downloaded") by the User through the Services, will be at its own discretion and risk, so it will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer, equipment or system, as well as for the loss or affect the data contained in them.

3.6 Material from News and Photographic Agencies

Texts, photos, graphics and audio / video material from news agencies and photography ("Agencies Materials")  shall not be published, transmitted, edited for transmission or publication or redistributed directly or indirectly in any medium. None of these Agency Materials or any portion of them may be stored on a computer with the exception of those for personal and non-commercial use. The agencies will not be responsible for any delay, inaccuracy,

  1. Content of a public nature that is published in the Services and not required Information sent by the User.

In the event that any User chooses to publish and / or send any type of Content to be included in areas of Services to which the general public has access or publish and / or send material consisting of photos, texts, videos, etc. . or other graphs that are also published in areas of free access to the Services, Users agree to grant the universal, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive and totally sub-licensable right as well as the license for the use, reproduction , modification, adaptation, publication, translation, the creation of works that derive from the original, distribution, execution and presentation of said Content (in whole or in part), to be incorporated in another work or work in any form, medium, or technology known now or developed later.

In the event that the User does not agree with what is stated in the preceding paragraph, he / she must abstain from sending Content and / or material not requested by, of the type that has been described in the previous paragraph.

  1. Copyright and Intellectual Property.

The User acknowledges that the Service and any software that is necessary to be used in connection with the Service, may contain other and confidential information that may be protected by the laws of intellectual property and other applicable laws. The User declares that they are aware and agree that the Content found in the advertising of the sponsors or advertisers and / or information presented to their attention through the Service or from sponsors or advertisers, may be protected and / or limited their use. copyright, reproduction, trademark, patents or other property rights and laws.

With the express exception of what is authorized and so specifically indicated by, its sponsors or advertisers, Users undertake not to modify, copy or reproduce, rent, loan, sell, distribute or create works of the Service and / or derivative works and / or based on the Service, in whole or in part.

All the Content of the Services is covered by reproduction rights: "Derechos Reservados © Editorial Televisa, SA de CV, Av. Vasco de Quiroga 2000, Colonia Santa Fe, Mexico City, 01/01/2011 Prohibited its total or partial reproduction. "or by Content of third parties providing Content that are likewise protected by international copyright laws., and each and every one of the names used in the Service and in general in that include the word in its name, are registered trademarks owned by Editorial Televisa, SA de CV

Likewise, the logo is registered and owned by Editorial Televisa, SA de CV

The User agrees not to reproduce, duplicate, sell or exploit for commercial reasons, the whole and / or any portion of the Services or the Content under any circumstance.

  1. Procedure in case of violation of intellectual property rights.
    In the event that any User or a third party considers that any of the Content that is or is introduced in and / or any of its Services, violates their intellectual property rights, they must send a notification to in which indicate, at least: (a) the personal data (name, address, telephone number and email address of the claimant); (b) the handwritten signature with the personal data of the owner of the intellectual property rights or of the person duly authorized to act in the name and on behalf of the owner of the intellectual property rights allegedly infringed and / or violated; (c) the precise and complete indication of the protected Content (s) by means of the intellectual property rights allegedly infringed, as well as its location in or any of the Services; (d) an express and clear declaration that the introduction of the indicated Content (s) has been made without the consent of the owner of the intellectual property rights allegedly infringed; (e) an express, clear statement under the responsibility of the claimant that the information provided in the notification is accurate and that the introduction of the Content (s) constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights. These notifications should be sent to "Legal Department of Editorial Televisa, SA de CV" to the e-mail (d) an express and clear declaration that the introduction of the indicated Content (s) has been made without the consent of the owner of the intellectual property rights allegedly infringed; (e) an express, clear statement under the responsibility of the claimant that the information provided in the notification is accurate and that the introduction of the Content (s) constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights. These notifications should be sent to "Legal Department of Editorial Televisa, SA de CV" to the e-mail (d) an express and clear declaration that the introduction of the indicated Content (s) has been made without the consent of the owner of the intellectual property rights allegedly infringed; (e) an express, clear statement under the responsibility of the claimant that the information provided in the notification is accurate and that the introduction of the Content (s) constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights. These notifications should be sent to "Legal Department of Editorial Televisa, SA de CV" to the e-mail clear and under the responsibility of the claimant that the information provided in the notification is accurate and that the introduction of the Content (s) constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights. These notifications should be sent to "Legal Department of Editorial Televisa, SA de CV" to the e-mail clear and under the responsibility of the claimant that the information provided in the notification is accurate and that the introduction of the Content (s) constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights. These notifications should be sent to "Legal Department of Editorial Televisa, SA de CV" to the , and will indicate the steps to follow and the physical address to which the original documents should be delivered.

  2. Advertising.

In the event that the User so wishes, he may enter into correspondence with or participate in promotions of the sponsors or advertisers that show their products and / or services in the Services. Any such correspondence or promotions, including the delivery of and payment for the products and / or services, and any of the other terms, conditions, warranties or statements associated with such correspondence or promotions, are understood as exclusive between the corresponding User and the advertiser and / or sponsor, so that will not be responsible for the veracity, functionality, content and quality of said products and / or services or for the payment made to said person.

Therefore, assumes no responsibility or liability in this regard, nor can or will be responsible for any such correspondence or promotions or be liable for any loss that is incurred as a result of such treatment or as a result of the presence of said sponsors or advertisers in the Service. does not offer any guarantee regarding its own and / or third party information.

  1. Links to third-party sites (links).

In some cases, provides links to other Internet sites and / or other third-party resources. In virtue of the fact that has no control over said sites or their resources, the User acknowledges and accepts that is not and will not be responsible for the availability of said external sites and those outside of or access to them, nor of the resources that they use, and do not accept or accept being considered responsible for the impossibility of access to them or any Content, advertisements, products or other materials of or available in said sites or resources. In the same way, will not be responsible for losses or damages caused or supposedly caused by or in connection with the use of security on said Content,

  1. Compensation.

In all cases mentioned below and / or those arising from these, the User agrees to be liable and agrees to indemnify, maintain and remove in peace and to save, its directors, officers, employees, collaborators, suppliers , agents and / or shareholders, in and of any claim and / or claim, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs and expenses of trials, made by third parties due to or arising from: (a) the Content that you deliver, post, send by E-mail, Open Forums or other Services or otherwise transmit through the Services; (b) for the use of the Service; (c) the connection with or to the Services; (d) any violation of the User Agreement or the Specific Agreements;

  1. Termination.

Every User of the Service accepts and agrees that, in its sole discretion and without prior notice, may terminate or suspend the use of all or part of the Services for any reason or reason, for which they acknowledge that will not be responsible to the Users or to third parties for said termination or suspension.

  1. Policies of the use of the Services.

The Users accept and acknowledge that can establish, at any time and without prior notification to the Users, general and specific practices and policies as well as limitations concerning the Services, provided that they are published in the Portal, from which they will be applicable to the Users.

  1. Violation of the User Agreement. requests all Users to report any violation of the User Agreement or Specific Agreements as soon as they become aware of it through the "Comments and Suggestions" section found on the home page.

  1. Limit of liability. can in no way guarantee that the Services: (a) comply with the appropriate, required or expected requirements for or by each of the Users; (b) do not interrupt; (c) arrive on time; (d) arrive with a certain level of speed; (e) arrive without errors; (f) or that the results obtained by the use thereof are accurate and / or reliable. does not guarantee that any error in the software of the Services will be (n) or can be corrected (s) totally or partially, so that will not be obliged to make any concession. will not be responsible for direct, indirect, moral, special or consequential damages that result from the use of the Service or the impossibility to use it.
14. Resignation.

The lack of to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the User Agreement or the Specific Agreements shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and accepted in writing by
15. Validity and Interpretation.

In the event that any of the provisions contained in the User Agreement or in any of the Specific Agreements is found invalid by a Court or Court of competent jurisdiction or is impossible to enforce, both parties agree to request the Court or the Court that endeavors to give effect to the intention (s) of the parties thus reflected in said provisions. However, the other provisions of this User Agreement will remain valid and full legal force.

Any claim or action resulting from or relating to the User Agreement or the use of the Services, shall have to be filed within two months following the date on which the claim is derived or the action corresponding legal has been verified, or you will lose that right forever. The User expresses his acceptance of the foregoing, regardless of what is established or provided in any legislation that states otherwise.
17. Headlines.

The headings and subheadings contained in this User Agreement, exist for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effects.



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